Beating the Chill: Winter Moving Tips

November 27, 2023

Moving in the winter months sounds like a bad idea, right? What with the cold weather, the sloppy and/or slippery conditions and even fewer daylight hours, it all just seems like an opportunity to break stuff — from armoires to ankles.

But there are reasons moving in the winter months — say, a job change — is unavoidable. Also, there are reasons — rents and home prices as well as moving costs tend to dip and become more negotiable — it may even be desirable.

Regardless of the “why,” here are some moving in the winter tips to make the “how” a little easier.

Moving in the Winter Months

If you’re moving in the winter months, it will go easier if you remember the following:

  • Preparation is key. If you can load the moving truck the night before (assuming your items can spend the night in the cold), great. If your items need to be in a climate-controlled environment, have all the boxes packed, taped up, labeled, and staged before the day of the move — and make sure there’s time to warm up the truck before the scheduled departure.
  • Wrap carefully. Cold weather is tough on fragile items. Moisture can be death to electronics. Slipping puts almost everything at risk. Double-wrapping protects items from the inevitable bumps of a move and provides welcome insulation and moisture resistance.
  • Heat is your friend. Wherever you’re moving, make sure the utility company has the heat turned on ahead of your moving date, and make sure the thermostat is adjusted and the system is functioning properly before move-in day. Whoever’s doing the moving, they’ll break a sweat, so a few degrees below normal living temperatures is fine.
  • Clear the pathways. Driveways, of course, should be free of snow, along with walkways and porches. If there are multiple vehicles involved, any ancillary sidewalks and even parking spots may need clearing. If you have friends from Chicago, ask them how “dibs” works for street parking (the preceding may require bringing folding chairs and/or lawn ornaments). Salt or sand any icy spots.
  • Check in. This goes for your movers and the weather. Check expected conditions a week out, and know your moving company’s rules for rescheduling before contracting with them.
  • Protect your floors. Both at your destination and departure sites, you’ll track in snow and moisture. Plastic runners, area rugs you’re intending to get rid of, tarps, and cardboard are all reasonable ways to protect carpeting and reduce slippery conditions on hardwood, laminate, and tile. Just make sure your floor protectors don’t create tripping hazards. Keep towels on hand for inevitable slick spots.

How the ‘PROZ’ Handle the Cold

Of course, you wouldn’t have to remember most of these moving in the winter tips if you hook yourself up with complete services from Moving Proz. We have climate-controlled trucks, all the necessary manpower, moving gear, and packing supplies you’ll need, and we’ll even pack for you. Reach out today for a free quote or more information.