4 Ways to Master Your Corporate Relocation

December 26, 2019

There are a multitude of reasons why people choose to move across town, the state or the country, but corporate relocation ranks right up there at the top. Moving can certainly be exciting and scary at the same time, especially when you have to do it quickly once you get your notice to relocate. But when you take the time to prepare yourself both for the move and settling into a new job, you can tackle any challenge.

Here are four ways you can master your relocation:

1.  Prepare

Preparation is everything. There’s a lot of work that goes into organizing furniture and belongings to result in a successful move. While you may have no problem boxing up your things and figuring out logistics, you may forget the most important part: preparing for your arrival in the new place.

If you can, spend a weekend in the new city getting used to the neighborhood, amenities, local grocery stores and coffee shops, schools for the kids, and more. Be sure to calculate the distance you need to travel for work each day. Then, once you move, you know what to expect so it won’t be so overwhelming. Your boss may even pay for this transitional weekend to help you scope out the situation. Can’t hurt to ask.

2.     Don’t Put it Off

When you become overwhelmed, it becomes very easy to put off stressful tasks. This can make your move that much more difficult. Once you have accepted a job and started planning for your corporate relocation, start to make piles of your stuff that you can either donate or trash. When you downsize, this makes packing necessary items decisive and quick.

3.  Heed Moving Tips

A corporate relocation typically comes with your own moving allowance. Talk with your boss or HR about what they do and don’t provide. You don’t want to overextend yourself if they won’t pay for certain things. It’s also wise to ask your accountant of any tax deductions you can take advantage of, as moving can get quite expensive. You’ll have to meet specific requirements to file for certain deductions, such as relocating 50 miles further from your new job than your old one.

4.  Remain Calm

Moving is stressful, even after you have moved in. Hopefully you’ll have a few days off to organize your new home before you have to report for work. In any case, take it hour by hour, day by day, and stay calm. Everything will fall into place in good time. Having a positive mindset will ensure a successful move.

Contact Moving Proz

Need help with your corporate relocation? We have extensive experience with these types of moves. To get a free quote, contact us in one of our three convenient locations.