1. Cancel Ongoing Subscriptions
About a month before your move, cancel those recurring charges that you won’t need anymore, such as gym memberships and magazine subscriptions. Some memberships require a 30-day cancellation period, so by doing this now, you’re well ahead of the game. You don’t want charges to keep accruing while you’re in the process of moving. You’ll save money on all those small charges that keep draining your checking account each month.2. Change Your Address
Do this at least two weeks before you’re scheduled to move. Head to the U.S. Postal Service website where you’re find a handy change of address form. By tackling this task a couple weeks ahead of your move, you’re ensuring your mail will arrive at your new digs, with no gap in service.3. Change/Update Car Insurance
At the same time you change your address, call your car insurance company to advise them of your new location. This is a good time to revisit your coverage. Even when moving within the same town or region, rates for car insurance can vary, which is why it’s always a good idea to call up and find out about changes in coverage, rates, and deadlines.4. Set up Automatic Payments
One week before your move is the time to confirm and set up your new automatic payments, being sure to update your new information online with each credit card company, utility company or other billing vendor.5. Take Pictures of Electronics
If you’re handy with hooking up electronics, congratulations. For everybody else, it’s helpful to take photos of your existing setup when it comes to computers, video game consoles, TVs, modems and more. You’ll be glad you did this when putting it all back together in the new place when all the wires look like one big jumble. Another good idea is to neatly coil all the cords when packing and label them each with masking tape.6. Pack a Box of Necessities
One day before the move, pack a bin of things you will need quick access to as soon as you get to the new home. You won’t want to climb to the back of the truck or rifle through all your boxes to find the paper plates and utensils you need to enjoy your first lunch of subs and pizza in the new place. Pack it last so it’s the first thing you can can conveniently grab later. Some good ideas to include in this box include:- Paper goods/utensils
- Toilet paper/paper towels
- Wipes
- Toiletries like contact lenses and solution
- Prescriptions
- Toys/comfort items for the kids
- Electronics: laptops, phones, tablets for the kids, etc.
- Broom/mop/cleaning supplies