How to Introduce Yourself to New Neighbors After Moving

November 25, 2019

So, you’ve moved into a new home and you’re just about settled in. Now what? Well, it would be a great idea to introduce yourself to the neighbors and get acquainted. In no time flat, you’ll be sharing cups of sugar, a glass of wine or gardening tips. Once your residential movers have pulled away, start planning your introduction.

Make Careful Observations

Check out your new neighborhood by taking a walk or just observing when you go out to the mailbox. Make note of who has kids (toys scattered in the driveway, frazzled mom yelling it’s time for lunch), who is elderly (they may be puttering in their garden or sitting on the front porch), and those who only seem to come out at night.

If you can find common ground, you can use that as a jumping off point, such as if you both have kids the same age, both of your parents are elderly with mobility issues, or if the guy next door loves classic cars as much as your husband does. Use that commonality to approach your new neighbors.

Spend Time Outside

You won’t meet anyone holed up inside your house. Get outside every day, take a walk, make conversation, work in your garden, sit on your front porch. You’ll be surprised at how many people will approach you when you are accessible and look receptive to their company. Spend time outside after work or on weekends, playing with the kids, riding your bike or tinkering with your motorcycle.

Make a Move

We’re all busy, so you’ll just have to make a move at some point. Approach your neighbor when it seems like a good time. Don’t pop over during dinner or early in the morning unless they’re out on their porch enjoying a cup of coffee. Try not to bombard them when they’re getting in the car to go to work or the gym. Most people won’t appreciate the interruption if they’re in a rush. Wait till they’re leisurely walking to their mailbox in the afternoon or when they’re watching their kids play in the yard.

Host a Get-Together

Once you get settled in, plan a get-together for the neighborhood, such as a block party, barbecue, dinner party or open house. This is a fabulous way to meet your neighbors all at the same time. You could make it a pot luck so everyone brings a favorite dish. Everyone is aware you’ve just moved in and won’t expect much, plus they’ll be eager to help out in any way they can.

Contact Moving Proz

If you’re ready to start planning your residential move to a new neighborhood, whether across town or across the state, contact us in Overland Park, Lawrence or Kansas City for a free quote.